Wednesday, July 22, 2009

senjata menghalang syaitan.

  1. Membaca Bismillahirrahmanirrahim (menjadi kunci kepada perbuatan baik)
  2. Banyakkan berzikir
  3. Banyakkan Beristighfar
  4. Membaca "la i' la ha illa anta subha naka inni kuntuminaz zoli min"
  5. Membaca doa pada pagi dan petang
  6. Bersugi
  7. Melaksanakan solat jemaah
  8. Berwudhuk sebelum tidur
  9. Menutup aurat
  10. Membaca doa masuk tandas
  11. Banyakkan berselawat ke atas Nabi Muhammad S.A.W.
  12. Bertaubat, beristighfar
  13. Banyakkan membaca Al-Quran
  14. Membaca surah Yassin pada setiap pagi

Buku "Jin dan Manusia"


menghitung hari..UPSR,PMR and SPM

fiqah dah nak upsr.menghitung hari je.pejam celik,pejam celik dah tinggal sebulan.huh cpt nye masa b'lalu.syg sangat.betul lah pepatah ade berkata masa itu emas.ia tidak boleh dijual atau kepada semo yg dah nak periksa sayangi lah masa.ia amat berharga.doa kan fiqah dan yg lain...

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

balong is sitting 4 the final

Balong is sitting 4 his final examination
since 2 days ago *if i'm not misaken.

Wish him and all the candidates best of luck

Monday, May 18, 2009

Happy Teachers Day

Happy Teachers Day
especially to:

our mother... Azizah Ayob
our aunt... Faridah Ayob
our uncle... Jalalluddin Jalil* not so sure how 2 spell his name
all our teachers and lecturers
all teachers in Malaysia*
and last but not least

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

Funny video to be shared*

Happy Mother's Day to my mum and all mothers in the world. I know its late, but better late than never. Isnt it?

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Banana Test

There is a very, very tall coconut tree and there are 4 animals,

a LionLion, a ChimpanzeeMonkey, a GiraffeGiraffe, and a SquirrelSquirrel, who pass by.

They decide to compete to see who is the fastest to get a banana off the tree.

Who do you guess will win?

Your answer will reflect your personality.

So think carefully . . .. Try and answer within 30 seconds

Got your answer?
Now scroll down to see the analysis.

If your answer is:
Lion = you're dull.
Chimpanzee =
you're a moron.

Giraffe =
you're a complete idiot.
Squirrel =
you're just hopelessly stupid.


Obviously you're stressed and overworked.
You should take some time off and relax!
Try again next year!!! :-)))))
*just for fun* - no hard feeling

Cameron Highland 2009

masterpiece- 1st time using 'smilebox'
*pictures during school holiday early 2009, when all the people (in the pictures) went to Utara for kak Hajar's wedding.

Click to play this Smilebox slideshow: Cameron Highland 2009
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baju baru semangat baru.

yey to me. at last I'm able to recreate this blog. seriously, it took me ages to find a cute and attractive layout. plus... to make things more difficult, banglong wanted the background to be white. (he told me the 1st time I create this blog). I really like this new layout but, the advertisement side bothered me soo much. n Theres another thing that makes me so excited in rebuilding this blog was, I found a great site for cute emoticon. ouh... cant wait for the next post to show off more cute emoticons hahaha.

Hello 2009

huh... lame la sesangat tak post pape kat blog ni. Actually kpd cik Liyana kite yg katanya slalu singgah tapi takde pape... anggap la ur prayer has been answered. hehe. Rase2nye dah nak dekat 1 year wujud nye blog ni... tp x de bende yg menarik. Hopefully, with the brand new look, blog ni akan menjadi se'active' Sri Manja and Alisya-two... tak lupa juga pada Ayobclan's blog yg telah agak lame tidak di updatekan. *sama standard la kite. n.. dengan wujud nya seorang lagi contributor, cik Afiqah ... harapan yg tinggi diletakkan kepada beliau utk meng'update' kan blog ini memandangkan En Fairuz n Miss Diyana tidak berada di S4 *sepenuh masa. Sbg Admin tuk blog ini juga... saya amat mengalu-alukan ahli2 S4 yg lain (kakngah-miss Nurul-, Zaid, Afiq n Sofia - nama2 yg disebutkan ni sila paham2 ye ape yg perlu anda buat) untuk join dalam meng'update' kan blog ini. Perlu la kite bersatu n berkerjasama (ape yg penting? kerjasama *tone wonder pet*) dalam usaha agar blog ini mencapai kelulusan SIRIM. Huh, dah merepek habis dah ni.
letih menggantikan baju baru tuk blog ni.*